Author: Nik

Posted on May 26, 2024 by Nik

Cardón dreaming

Sentinel silent standing arms branching high Holding up green fierce flower and thorn bee and beetle tumbling sun rock and sky Statuesque shadows lifting long breathing heat dazed quartz and shale we dream of night Caracara sailing azure and gold at home lizard and snake elemental white bone feather black We wonder freely somewhere far Read More

Posted on May 26, 2024 by Nik

Flowers for the void

Sliding along the length of your back caressing high mountain meadows long as the breeze soaring, lost in the aroma the wild flowers of your being sunlight glinting through my hair, my eyes, my heart homo luminous, wings unfurling, tremulously through your glades to swoop and delight, in every fold and mossy spring every tender Read More

Baja California Sur hot springs
Posted on February 24, 2024 by Nik

The Californias

Big Sur, California, to Baja California Sur, Mexico Big Sur and Esalen, through early 2000’s, was a mystical, nurturing and nourishing retreat from the driven madness of the world – for healing and learning, rooted in the power of nature, held between mountain wilderness and ocean, in the heart of the redwoods, the remote valleys, Read More

Posted on May 18, 2022 by Nik


I am not really feeling it myself, and my friend Natalie doesn’t feel ready for what would be her first ceremony either, and we decide to let the idea go. So, we are sitting in Petite Leon café, meeting with a serendipitous group of enthusiastic plant experts from Mexico city, looking to collaborate in regenerative Read More

Posted on November 3, 2021 by Nik

Space, Time and Consciousness

Creating balance with the inner and outer spaces we inhabit. On his way back to earth, having just walked on the moon, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell experienced a radical transformation in consciousness. As he approached our planet from beyond its sphere of influence, taking in the exquisite poise of earth, moon and sun gyrating Read More

Posted on August 17, 2021 by Nik

Death In The Wings

Life, Love and the Human Spirit Ever the irreverent rogue, defiant of establishment and death, there was my father, on the slow road. Nine lives cashed in, prostate cancer in remission, driving himself from his off-grid, country shack to dialysis in Palma, three times a week, until my younger brother Hieronymus (after Bosch, no less) had Read More

Posted on May 26, 2021 by Nik


Having to pee three times a night is great for star gazing, especially when you live in a field in an oasis in the desert. And then there’s a full lunar eclipse. Gotta be cool, right! So I watch her rise, magnificent, low in the evening sky, sailing through the palms. Silhouetted, their skirts swish Read More

Posted on March 18, 2021 by Nik

I got pillaged

It was perhaps an inevitability, given that I am currently living in an old trailer in a dark field with an obfuscating hedgerow adjacent, perfect for a little bandit to make away with my new TV and silver flute and the lovely pineapple I had been ripening. It’s a poor country. The little shit took Read More

Posted on December 28, 2020 by Nik

The Bees – nomadic meanderings (part II)

I’m sitting here with a cuppa in the early morning sun in my field in BCS. I’m taking in the expanse of tall shimmering palms, stretching out towards the jagged mountain ridges that divide this primal peninsula. There’s a swarm of bees hanging low, 5 meters away from my little trailer home here. I have Read More

Posted on December 27, 2020 by Nik

On the current – nomadic meanderings (part I)

Right, so this little sojourn, to which you are invited, is predicated on the ongoing exploration of the idea that there are two fundamental forces in the universe, namely fear, (withdrawal) and love, (expansion) and that we get to chose in which direction we lean each and every moment, mid pandemia or otherwise. Like every Read More

Posted on May 16, 2019 by Nik

Extinction, Rebellion, or Obsolescence: A peer to peer platform to redefine humanity’s greatest challenge – itself!

The idea of arresting increasing climate related disaster was recently taken up by the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement in the UK. XR represent a confrontational if disruptive demand to hold government accountable for the denial or dallying of their roles in practices shown to disrupt climate stability. Greenpeace, NRDC, and countless other environmental and humanitarian Read More

Posted on September 4, 2018 by Nik


What’s not to love about a little love poem ; ) Waiting impatiently to savour the smokey taste tobacco wine chocolate dark traveller’s lips upon mine softly once more to hear that husky voice chattering like water coursing across mossy mountain rocks singing the delirious song of being into my soul under my skin waiting

Posted on April 6, 2017 by Nik

Your pocket guide to the digital cash revolution. Bitcoin and beyond.

Everything you and your mum need to know about the new distributed currency and the decentralised information revolution – how and why to get onboard, in a nutshell. Bitcoin was born out of an extraordinary innovation to resolve the loss of faith in, and the failings of central banks, sovereign states and governments, after the economic collapse of 2008 in particular.   It Read More

Posted on August 12, 2016 by Nik


poetry – I mean, who fucking has time for poetry?   but,   there is a moment when the light hits you and you don’t feel separate   a radiance obliterating every atom and  purpose as you stand basking, blissful, desolate at the edge of the world

Posted on August 6, 2016 by Nik
Comments Off on Autobiography of Eve

Autobiography of Eve

an ode to sex, desire, rebellion and fallen women Found this artwork in centre camp at burning man a few years ago (tracked down the artist through the playa vine for attribution) then stumbled across this poem and thought… they belong together! Autobiography of Eve by Ansel Elkins Wearing nothing but snakeskin boots, I blazed Read More

sacred tree of life
Posted on August 2, 2016 by Nik

saved by beauty

Our one world, will be saved by beauty when we remember, how to see with the eyes of a child into the golden heart, of every living thing. We will feel deeply the earthly memories etched into the mountains of home the forgetfulness in the oceans heave, the forgiving

Posted on August 26, 2015 by Nik

Burning Man, Carnival and A Pattern Language

Just as an individual person dreams fantastic happenings to release the inner forces which cannot be encompassed by ordinary events, so too a city needs its dreams. A Pattern Language is the seminal (1977) work of architect Christopher Alexander et al. describing a functional system to meet humanistic needs in the design of buildings, the Read More

Posted on August 26, 2015 by Nik


On his way back to Earth, having just walked on the moon, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell experienced a radical transformation in perspective and thus consciousness. As he approached our planet from beyond it’s sphere of influence, “he was filled with an inner conviction as certain as any mathematical equation he’d ever solved. He knew Read More

Posted on January 6, 2015 by Nik

ecstasy / rapture

This morning, through the twilight, the sound of lovemaking enters me through the open window – such an arousing, hauntingly beautiful sound – a sound that could heal the world. Strange though… whenever this ardent song strays on the breeze, it’s only ever that of the woman I hear, never the man lost in his own rapture. Read More

Posted on January 5, 2015 by Nik

Invitation of the Ancients

Lithe bodied,  we dance tall swaying arcs of verdure leaning into curved mists of space and aeons as heaving earth-body pulsing in tune,  exultant sun,  sultry moon we sink our roots,  feeling deep around you,  and swirl with wind,  and stars reaching,  we rise upon the long song,  of creation.

Posted on January 2, 2015 by Nik

The Return

Ekphrasis in response to Rilke’s Turning Point (below) letting all the deep rivers of the world – rush in / cracking open the quartz prism of your being – you surrendered – you no longer had a choice

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