Into the dialectic
is a reflection on the curious and contradictory nature of life, love, consciousness and the madness of humanity:
In Atlantis W.H.Auden says
… And honour the fate you are,
Travelling and tormented,
Dialectic and bizarre,
This self-portrait-incantation “mother earth” echoes
… And I am falling now,
falling through the font,
swimming into being,
into the dialectic
the mythical, exquisite life
of Earth
This is an open inquiry into the divine madness of this living. On these pages you’ll find story, poetry, perspective and opinion.
And Hermes, the patron god of bloggers, has the wind at your back for your support of all poets and literary loonies who hack away at the consensus, stagnant status quo.
Just as the gate keeper and the shaman live out on the edge of the city, curious and progressive thinkers hang out in this no man’s land where the view is clear and the foraging unfettered.
Here in fact is Hermes, the Olympian god of transitions and boundaries – quick and cunning, moving freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine as emissary and messenger of the gods, intercessor and conductor of souls into the afterlife.
He is protector and patron of travellers, herdsmen, thieves, orators and wit, literature and poets, amongst other claimants. In some myths he is a trickster and outwits other gods for his own satisfaction or the sake of humankind. We like him already.
His attributes and symbols include the herma, (a big cock thing – go figure ) the rooster (herald of the triumph of day) winged sandals, winged cap, and his herald’s staff, the caduceus
In the Roman adaptation of the Greek pantheon, Hermes is identified with the Roman god Mercury – another tricky fucker.
So you are in good company. Dig in…
Niklas (Nik) Spitz