Posted on February 11, 2008 by Nik


OK, so we know that Obama is perhaps a media darling, and may be somewhat of a whore to the whole military-industrial /corporate purse string complex like all the others (excluding Ron Paul and a few other unusual, unlikely suspects)- but we think at least he actually cares enough to attempt to initiate change for the good (unlike Bush et al who are perfectly happy to just wage war cos it’s damned good business.) And besides, Obama sure talks purdy. (we won’t mention that shit fer brains puppet president again)
And so, to me, this video represents the voice and hope of ‘the people’ – and sure, that includes me, so long as we’re imagining this failed system could actually function.

Posted on February 10, 2008 by Nik

“… in the first decade of the new millennium, humanity has entered into a condition that is in some sense more globally united and interconnected, more sensitised to the experiences of suffering of others, in certain respects more spiritually awakened, more conscious of alternative future possibilities and ideals, more capable of collective healing and compassion and aided by technological advances in communication media, more able to think, feel, and respond together in a spiritually evolved manner to the world’s swiftly changing realities than has ever before been possible.” – Richard Tarnas

Posted on November 22, 2007 by Nik

the poetess

click play button to hear this poem:

As I begin to read your poems
Their power enters my body

Your faithful, deep feeling words
Slip through my unsuspecting skin

I feel them enter my bruisey heart
As easily as air enters my lungs
There is an affinity

I dive into the pool
It takes me a dreamworld moment to orient my self there.
Underwater, time and the senses seem to unfold

I emerge splashing, back into the surface world


And I understand your first lesson:
though I want to expand my vision and aspire
to carry myself, and you, to the farthest horizons
I miss the point

I read your poems. I listen
I feel your pain
And I know that they are my own
and I understand that your voice speaks
not only to me, but to anyone
who cares to listen

So I begin to write in the first person
To listen to the voices in my heart
And know that this is where transformation begins.

Posted on October 1, 2007 by Nik


“Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as though nothing happened” ~ Winston Churchill

Paranoid of conspiracy theories? Can’t see the wood for the trees? Try this perspective out for size, never underestimating the power of denial and the investment in ones belief system…

The film Zeitgeist is an intriguing, fast paced, hard hitting documentary looking at the hegemony of our beloved leaders. Interestingly it’s a feature length not for profit production viewable, broadly distributed and “viral” on the internet.

Being clear about gnosticism, spirituality and comparative belief systems (PtI); and being clear about the motives of the political mind, corporate mind(lessness) and power driven elitism(PtII&III), but the idea that 911 was an inside job still leaves me somewhat incredulous, if by the brazen audacity of the supposed act – and yet arms dealers and associated interests are VERY serious motherfuckers.

This film may represent a collection of truths and anomalies, or it may be straight down the line. Either way, enough of it rings true and fits with the rest of global dissonance and historical subterfuge to warrant serious attention. And ultimately, the conclusion of this work remains irrefutably sublime.

Follow above link or see it via google here


“There comes a time, for all that is harmful, to leave…”

The solution to the imbalance is burgeoning in the global evolution of consciousness – seriously! Hit the play button below to hear about the largest movement on Earth…

Posted on August 7, 2007 by Nik

The coup is complete – have you heard the news?

Freedom next time.
If you listen to the news, then it would behoove you to recognise your media’s position. This is an enlightening talk from erudite investigative journalist, John Pilger, given recently in Chicago and broadcast today on NPR – Demacracy Now, by Amy Goodman. Here’s my edit, but the full monty is here

Posted on August 1, 2007 by Nik

The Wise Dog

One day there passed by a company of cats a wise dog.

And as he came near and saw that they were very intent and heeded
him not, he stopped.

Then there arose in the midst of the company a large, grave cat and
looked upon them and said, “Brethren, pray ye; and when ye have
prayed again and yet again, nothing doubting, verily then it shall
rain mice.”

And when the dog heard this he laughed in his heart and turned from
them saying, “O blind and foolish cats, has it not been written and
have I not known and my fathers before me, that that which raineth
for prayer and faith and supplication is not mice but bones.”

from The Madman

Posted on July 22, 2007 by Nik

Where Everything is Music

[quicktime width=”240″ height=”170″][/quicktime]

Looking like he just stepped out of period Versailles – eccentric virtuoso, ghostly pale, long slender fingers, curly locks – Tuck strutted and Patti scatted and we sat on the grass at the ocean’s edge, listening and that was cool – didn’t reach down into my soul or anything, but it was cool. Until … Read More

Posted on July 17, 2007 by Nik

The Fountain

Directed by Darren Aronofsky. 2006.


This is a film of extra-ordinary beauty and richness (my humble opinion). Deepening layers of visual poetry and symbolism reveal themselves on each successive viewing.
It plays on the inter- connectedness of the past, the present and the future. It’s about mortality and the eternal love life of the soul. It’s passionate, archetypal, and cosmic. It is a beautifully realised vision of the vast cycles of life and death on earth and in the heavens. The visual effects of the cosmos and space travel are generated using macro photography in organic chemistry and celebrate the inherent beauty of organic space as distinct from CGI generated effects. As above, so below. In short, this film is a rare masterpiece.

If you have not yet seen it, I encourage you to disregard these words as the deluded rantings of a Scorpionic fool so as not to set your self up to expectations and disappointment but, (unless you really really really just like formulaic spoon fed Hollywood crap) … see it.

Posted on July 15, 2007 by Nik

Paternal Angst (or Ode to my Stepfather)

Rest in peace you fucker

[look, though ignoble, this is just a public rant to get it out of my system, unto the ether, OK]

his brutal strength crushed my spirit
his iron fist rules made me passive aggressive
his stupid love made me hate – at least him
his idiot dogma though, freed my mind

terror of punishment made me live life in hiding
humiliation had me living life in shame
an introverted intellectual, living a life of inherited pain


what me? acting victim? bitter? maybe.

Goya – Satan devouring his son

maybe I’m just angry at the tenacious, brutally limiting shit laid on my soul
maybe I’m angry I still haven’t shaken it off
maybe I’m angry because I don’t imagine I would have chosen this, in the paradigm of conscious spirit.
Or maybe – I’m just tired of dealing with brutally myopic idiots on this earth

therefore I bid for your self awareness Phil Bates and
don’t come back till you find peace with your soul, motherfucker

so anyway,

may the pandemic of destructive patriarchy annihilate itself
may the matriarchy find its true powee
and may the harmony of human partnership evolve into a true expression of love

Set me free now, a man to walk in peace on Earth.


There’s more:

memories come to me now…
after too many years running away
from a heavy past in my heart

that exists now only in my head
now that the old fellow
dropped off his perch dead

and all that remains is for me to tell him in prayer
beneath all his false knowledge and receding grey hair
I never told him, the feelings I hid,
from the man that hurt me so bad as a kid,
that loved me a lie and left me alone,
that beat me and told me I was all wrong,
that overpowered me with what he thought he knew best.

none of it matters though in the passage of time
all we ever have, passes in the wank of an eye,
and all that’s left beneath the hollow faces
is a memory of him trying to love in the only way he knew how.

I lit a candle and said a prayer and played a song on my flute
I could see him cringe in the incense smoke
I shoulda had lessons, he says, I know, I know
but what about these bay leaves on this brief altar for you,
leaves I plucked from my garden, thought you’d might appreciate them.

whatever, I’ll give you a thrashing at chess next time round you fucker.
“Go on, lets be avin ya.”

And blessed may be my sisters who held his hand on the road to grace.
Dumb fucker

Posted on July 14, 2007 by Nik

real resources – the UN and the rapacious corporation

letter to the editor: The Economist:
[No, really, it’s interesting]

The issue of unfulfilled promises by the United Nations, in-spite of best humanitarian intentions, misses a critical point. In the big picture, they are competing with far more powerful entities that control resources (we) might have distributed more equitably. Coca Cola, for example, are uniquely positioned to provide clean drinking water to meet global needs. (As a matter of fact, one visionary CEO made it his goal to do just that, was disempowered by Coca Cola’s lawyers and pressured to resign.) The tragedy is that the uncompromising thirst of the ‘old world’ corporate paradigm, Read More

Posted on July 13, 2007 by Nik

Polish pageant

On the European Union Treaty

Tellingly, EU leaders coldly swatted aside a Polish request for laws on “public morality” to be exempted from the charter of fundamental rights. Given the Poles’ record of populist social conservatism, it was feared that an exemption would lead to “gays being tarred and feathered” on the streets of Warsaw, says one diplomat, exaggerating only slightly.

(from The Economist, June 30th (p.61))

I don’t know, there’s something comic about the medieval imagery.

Posted on July 7, 2007 by Nik

‘bin feeling adrift lately? [updated]

A new infra red digital survey of the entire sky from the Universities of Virginia and Massachusetts shows our Solar System to be at the exact nexus crossroads where two galaxies are actually joining.

Sag and Milkyway galaxies meet
The Milky Way is the blue spiral, the dwarf galaxy is the red stream and our sun’s position is marked by the yellow dot. But does this prove that the sun was once part of the alien dwarf galaxy? Astromomers say ‘no’ (Image: NASA)

Here’s the news!

We of the overarching Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy have finally come down next to, and even with the massively powerful spiral armed equatorial plane of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Oh, alright – though the bullshit detectors where flapping, I ignored them cos it’s just a cool idea, but as it transpires, this interpretation is indeed bullshit, though drawn from factual references. Here’s the deal

Posted on June 25, 2007 by Nik

last night

Last night the moon came dropping its clothes in the street.
I took it as a sign to start singing,
falling up into the bowl of sky.
The bowl breaks. Everywhere is falling everywhere.
Nothing else to do.

Here’s the new rule: break the wineglass,
and fall towards the glassblower’s breath.

last night

this is half moon outside my window, camera balanced on 2 stools and a cutting board. Maybe I’ll get a tripod one full moon and get a better shot – but you get the idea.

Posted on April 20, 2007 by Nik

“Do not adjust your mind- it is reality that is malfunctioning”

A helpfull quote from Robert Anton Wilson.

I’m jus messing with themes and layouts for these blog pages. Should you feel disoriention or sea~sickness, just put your head between your knees, breath steadily and count to 3.14159, or just go back to my home page where you can explore calmer waters and be relatively safe till the swell subsides.

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